Paper Wine Glass Marker
Materials & Tools List
The Steps
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1. Using the black pad, ink your Chinese calligraphy stamp liberally. Stamp the image on a piece of red card stock. Repeat for each image.
2. I recommend using a cutting mat underneath your stamped card stock to protect surfaces before cutting. Center your cutting tool in the middle of the stamped image then cut an oval or circle shape out of the cardstock. Cut a circle in the middle for the wine glass stem.
3. You will need a slit in the paper ring so you can fit the tag onto your wine glass stem. Using a straight edge and craft knife, cut one slit from the middle of the tag to the outside edge.
4. On each side of the slit, punch two holes.
5. Cut two pieces of bamboo stick. Each piece should be at least 1.25-inches long. My bamboo sticks were very soft and cut easily, so I used the cutting edge of my jewelry pliers. You may want to use another type of tool, because wood can dull metal jewelry tools easily.
6. Check the fit of your bamboo sticks by sliding them gently into the holes on each side of the paper slit.
7. Remove the bamboo stick pieces from the paper ring. Using the gold paint pen, color the bamboo pieces. (Tip: You may find it easier to paint first, then cut the sticks.) Allow the sticks to dry before putting them back in the tag holes.
8. Using the oval cutting tools, cut a piece of black shiny card stock. You don't have to cut the whole oval. You just need a curved piece of card to put on the top of the oval. Now glue the card stock in place.
9. Repeat these instructions for each guest you've invited. Using the gold paint pen, personalize each marker with a different guest's name.
10. Slip the tag on the bottom of each wine glass and you're ready to party.
Additional Reading
Product Resource Guide
Article Description: Celebrate the Chinese New Year in style with Asian-style paper markers for your guests' wine glasses.
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